const { TAU } = require('../../maths/constants')
const slice = require('./slice')
const mat4 = require('../../maths/mat4')
const extrudeFromSlices = require('./extrudeFromSlices')
const geom2 = require('../../geometries/geom2')
* Perform a helical extrude of the geometry, using the given options.
* @param {Object} options - options for extrusion
* @param {Number} [options.angle=TAU] - angle of the extrusion (RADIANS) positive for right-hand rotation, negative for left-hand
* @param {Number} [options.startAngle=0] - start angle of the extrusion (RADIANS)
* @param {Number} [options.pitch=10] - elevation gain for each turn
* @param {Number} [options.height] - total height of the helix path. Ignored if pitch is set.
* @param {Number} [options.endOffset=0] - offset the final radius of the extrusion, allowing for tapered helix, and or spiral
* @param {Number} [options.segmentsPerRotation=32] - number of segments per full rotation of the extrusion
* @param {geom2} geometry - the geometry to extrude
* @returns {geom3} the extruded geometry
* @alias module:modeling/extrusions.extrudeHelical
* @example
* const myshape = circle({size: 3, center: [10, 0]}) // position for extrusion about Z
* const mycoil = extrudeHelical({angle: TAU*2, pitch: 10, segmentsPerRotation: 64}, myshape))
const extrudeHelical = (options, geometry) => {
const defaults = {
angle: TAU,
startAngle: 0,
pitch: 10,
endOffset: 0,
segmentsPerRotation: 32
const { angle, endOffset, segmentsPerRotation, startAngle } = Object.assign({}, defaults, options)
let pitch
// ignore height if pitch is set
if (!options.pitch && options.height) {
pitch = options.height / (angle / TAU)
} else {
pitch = options.pitch ? options.pitch : defaults.pitch
// needs at least 3 segments for each revolution
const minNumberOfSegments = 3
if (segmentsPerRotation < minNumberOfSegments) { throw new Error('The number of segments per rotation needs to be at least 3.') }
const shapeSides = geom2.toSides(geometry)
if (shapeSides.length === 0) throw new Error('the given geometry cannot be empty')
// const pointsWithNegativeX = shapeSides.filter((s) => (s[0][0] < 0))
const pointsWithPositiveX = shapeSides.filter((s) => (s[0][0] >= 0))
let baseSlice = slice.fromSides(shapeSides)
if (pointsWithPositiveX.length === 0) {
// only points in negative x plane, reverse
baseSlice = slice.reverse(baseSlice)
const calculatedSegments = Math.round(segmentsPerRotation / TAU * Math.abs(angle))
const segments = calculatedSegments >= 2 ? calculatedSegments : 2
// define transform matrix variables for performance increase
const step1 = mat4.create()
let matrix
const sliceCallback = (progress, index, base) => {
const zRotation = startAngle + angle / segments * index
const xOffset = endOffset / segments * index
const zOffset = (zRotation - startAngle) / TAU * pitch
// TODO: check for valid geometry after translations
// ie all the points have to be either x > -xOffset or x < -xOffset
// this would have to be checked for every transform, and handled
// not implementing, as this currently doesn't break anything,
// only creates inside-out polygons
// create transformation matrix
// then apply offsets
mat4.fromTranslation(mat4.create(), [xOffset, 0, zOffset * Math.sign(angle)]),
// first rotate "flat" 2D shape from XY to XZ plane
mat4.fromXRotation(mat4.create(), -TAU / 4 * Math.sign(angle)) // rotate the slice correctly to not create inside-out polygon
matrix = mat4.create()
// finally rotate around Z axis
mat4.fromZRotation(mat4.create(), zRotation),
return slice.transform(matrix, base)
return extrudeFromSlices(
// "base" slice is counted as segment, so add one for complete final rotation
numberOfSlices: segments + 1,
callback: sliceCallback
module.exports = extrudeHelical